AI & Generative Art


"PXL_PARADISE" is a vertical artwork that blends the intricate, surreal style with modern pixel art and digital aesthetics. This piece takes viewers on a visual journey and it's part of my PIXEL_ARCADIA ongoing series... From a cosmic panorama through a bustling, otherworldly cityscape, down to a lush, verdant paradise, the scene is rich with vibrant colors, bold contrasts, and elaborate details, featuring a harmonious fusion of nature, technology, and mythical elements. Digital motifs are seamlessly integrated, creating a dynamic and immersive composition that invites endless exploration. "PXL_PARADISE" is a digital utopia, perfect for collectors who appreciate a blend of classical artistry and contemporary innovation.
The process involved AI prompting, AI detailed inpainting, upscaling and digital post-edition. It reflects in various subjects such as: life and death, simulation theory and astral projection.


